How the App Works

MoreMind’s initiative is to provide free help with emotions and long-term chronic stress.

Here’s how it works:

A list of various emotions is provided each time upon logging in, of which participants can select one. This process can be repeated as many times as needed. Next, four different options are presented to choose from to approach the emotion.

  1. Affirmations will help you create a sentence to relate to the emotions differently.
  2. Befriending, Releasing, Choosing (BRC), is a process in which you Befriend and Release emotions, and Choose a more positive, productive, and solution-focused approach.
  3. Guided Meditations is an internal journey that supports working with emotions. These Meditations are each 15 minutes long
  4. MediYoga, which is a 15-minute session, combines body movement with emotional awareness. It would be helpful to have a mat and towel.

When you utilize any of these tools or practices for the first time,  it is essential that you read the short introductions in order for the tools to work to your benefit.